Booking your cats stay at Steps Cattery Stafford

Steps Cattery Stafford cat collection serviceBooking as early as possible to avoid disappointment is always the best option, however we like to think at Steps Cattery Stafford we are able to offer a fairly responsive service no matter how ‘last minute’ it may be.

To book a stay or enquire about availability,
call 01785 611577.

Steps Cattery Stafford new heated cat-cabins

All cats boarded at Steps Cattery, Stafford (and indeed any reputable cattery) must first be vaccinated against feline infectious enteritis and upper respiratory tract infections (cat flu.) We would request that you bring certificates with you when you bring your cat to board.

Regrettably we may be unable to board your cat if proof of up-to-date vaccinations is not provided. We expect all cats to be in a reasonable state of health on arrival or at least to be actively engaged in veterinary treatment programme if not.

A vaccination card must be provided when you bring your cat to the cattery. We provide water or milk; we also stock a range of the most popular wet and dry foods too. You are of course welcome to provide your own food or drink (we actively encourage this with prescription diets) if it is particularly unusual or your cat simply has peculiar tastes! The same principle applies to bedding; we would routinely provide a cosy bed anyway, but you are more than welcome to bring bedding or other items from home that you feel may help you cat to settle more easily.

On your arrival we will confirm your personal and booking details and satisfy ourselves that we have a suitable means of contacting you, or a nominated person, in the event of any query. As part of our continued commitment to your cat’s welfare, we will also need to discuss the issue of veterinary consent in the event of concerns arising about your cat’s health. If you would like further information about this, please telephone us and we will post details to you.

Download our booking form.





Steps Cattery in Stafford
© Steps Cattery 2019

New heated cat-cabins ensure your
